How to file a patent?

Learn more on the process file a Canadian patent application.

Intellectual Property Databases

Look through existing intellectual property (IP) rights (trademarks, patents, industrial designs) to learn if your creation is unique and novel.

Springboard provides strategically positioned resources to Atlantic Canadian universities and colleges alike, helping them transfer both knowledge and technology into the private sector.


Browse through the most commonly used terms and their meaning in the intellectual property world.

Intellectual Property Trademark Roadmap

Discover the path a company or individual needs take to protect their intellectual property assets and maximize their value.

About tech transfer

Browse through the numerous resources to learn more about tech transfer and what it means.

What is tech transfer?

Watch this short video to learn more about tech transfer.

Commercialize an invention

Discover the commercialization process and if it is a right fit for you.

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

CIPO is a Canadian government agency that focuses on improving the quality, timeliness, and efficiency of intellectual property rights to advance innovation and increase IP awareness.